Saturday, July 25, 2009


Siento no vi el jardín de wildflower florecer antes de Javier ido de España. ¡Este es a qué esto parece ahora! Cuando yo había andado Guillermo y Javier por ello, ningunas flores florecían y no era muy interesante mirar. Guillermo pensó que yo debería fijar éstos al blog para usted para ver.

[I am sorry I did not see the wildflower garden blooming before Javier left for Spain. This is what it looks like now! When I had walked William and Javier through it, no flowers were blooming and it was not very interesting to look at. William thought I should post these to the blog for you to see.]

Mientras yo tomaba estas fotos, un colibrí femenino se alimentaba de algunas de estas flores. Ella se paró, girado y voló para mirarme más cerca, y luego se fue volando.
[While I was taking these photos, a female hummingbird was feeding from some of these flowers. She stopped, turned around and flew over to look at me closer, and then flew away.] :-)

Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday's Farewell :-{

Hoy era un día muy triste para nosotros. ¡Pero esto será un día feliz para usted! ¡¡:-) muchas gracias por compartir a Javier y Jaime con nosotros!!!
[Today was a very sad day for us. But it will be a happy day for you! :-) Thank you so much for sharing Javier y Jaime with us!!!] :-)

5:30 AM in Festival's parking lot

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Back to Big Falls!

¡¡La agua era tan baja!!! [The water was so low!!!]

Sacudir el fútbol americano alrededor en Caídas Grandes.
[Tossing the American football around at Big Falls.

¡Javier marcó un gol con su cabeza otra vez!
[Javier scored a goal with his head again!] :-)

Playing Rummicub

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


¡Hoy, Javier era capaz de sostener a Rocky, nuestro gato de 17 años tímido!
[Today, Javier was able to hold Rocky, our shy 17 year old cat!
] :-)

Fuimos a la granja lechera de un vecino. Ellos tenían a muchos gatos, vacas, y llamas. Ellos también tenían una cabra.
[We went to a neighbor's dairy farm. They had lots of cats, cows, and llamas. They also had one goat.]

Javier era capaz de tocar a varios de estos animales cautelosos.
[Javier was able to touch several of these cautious animals.] :-)

Después de la comida, Profesor universitario los tomó al fondo de Fairfax para nadar. Antes hoy, también miramos a Jake que nuestra pequeña serpiente de zorro come.

[After dinner, Don took them to Fairfax pool to swim. Earlier today, we also watched Jake our little fox snake eat.] :-)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Needed The Rain...

La práctica de fútbol fue anulada debido a una tormenta. En cambio, fuimos a Sónico para conseguir algo para comer. Más tarde esa tarde, jugamos a varios juegos de Rummikub.
[Soccer practice was
cancelled because of a thunderstorm. Instead, we went to Sonic to get something to eat. Later that evening, we played several games of Rummikub.]

Monday, July 20, 2009


Anduvimos alrededor de la pista en la Escuela Secundaria del Sur que espera a Hannah. Cuando la clase de orquesta de Hannah era terminada, fuimos a la Reserva de Cala de Castor. Entonces fuimos jugando a los bolos en UWEC con los estudiantes de cambio españoles donde vimos a Jaime.
[We walked around the track at South Middle School waiting for Hannah. When Hannah's orchestra class was over, we went to Beaver Creek Reserve. Then we went bowling at UWEC with the Spanish exchange students where we saw Jaime.] :-)

Sunday, July 19, 2009


After Church

Wendy, Elizabeth, Mr. Hampton, Izzy, Micah, Katie, Patrick, Brandon, Logan, y Mrs. Backus
Power Tower Youth Group before leaving for the missions trip.

Elizabeth que dice adiós a Javier antes de salida. Ella estaba triste ella no estaría de vuelta antes de que Javier marche el viernes.
[Elizabeth saying goodbye to Javier before leaving. She was sad she would not be back before Javier leaves on Friday.]

Por el camino a casa de la iglesia y luego en el camino al fondo, vimos a pavo en un campo.
[On the way home from church and then on the way to the pool, we saw turkeys in a field.

Swimming and playing at Fairfax Pool

Javier jumping off the high dive, then diving off the small diving board

Picking blackberries, raspberries, blueberries, y gooseberries